Monday, November 2, 2009

Television News Disappoints Again...

The Trent Lott story is just too juicy. I don't know where to start. Obviously someone (or in this case, all of the mainstream news ) made a huge boo-boo. As we all know, any story involving race, presidential candidates and Southern segregationists should have gotten as much coverage as swine flu or a political sex scandal. And yet...Nothing! It is time that mainstream news, especially television, admit that it has forgotten its purpose. It has replaced all sense of inquiry and responsibility for investigative reporting with trivial conventions. William O'Keefe's explanation simply isn't good enough. Since when did news have to have the public's reaction before a story became worth reporting. The story is what triggers the reaction, not the other way around. By the way, Rosen's whole explanation of the news cycle's logic was brilliant and so sadly explained the issue with television news. No wonder young people, ages 18 to 24, don't watch television news or read the paper, and rely on Jon Stewart for their current events updates. It turns out now we should add blogs to our list. How sad.

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